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The thing I wish I could take to the Isle of Man TT is my amazing Sports Therapist Donna Norman. She has been so instrumental in getting my leg back to full fitness since I broke my femur last October. She has been extremely influential in getting me back on my race bike by March. I can’t help but big up this young lady who has impressed me with both her skills in sports massage, her approach to rehabilitation but also her business management. I’m really pleased to see that she will be joining Northants County Cricket Club team as a Sports Therapist. Recovering from a broken femur in time for the 2013 motorcycle racing season was always going to be a hard task but not only did Donna’s skills show massive improvements in my leg with each session but she kept me motivated though out, her support kept me going no matter what hurdles I has to overcome. She is great at what she does and getting a podium at my first outing this year is proof of that. I hope she remains part of my team for the future. Maria Costello MBE, May 2013

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